
I Dub Thee My Personal Blog

Hopping on the blog bandwagon. I already have one blog I don't use, so why not another?

I thought it might be a good idea to start keeping a journal of some sort. I've been going through a lot in the past year or so. Following are my current "issues," which will be the themes discussed, mulled over, ripped up, and strewn around the floor here in the coming days, weeks, months, years.....

-school is coming to a close, and has worn out its welcome. how do I make it through the last couple of semesters without losing my mind, or letting my previously pristine GPA tank?

-time management. I suck at it.

-exercise. I learned as a teenager that my emotional and physical well-beings are tightly correlated. then why don't I make time for exercise? (see previous issue)

-eating. I need to stop eating for emotional comfort. but I think if the previous issue were improved, then this one would fall into place, as well.

-how many things can one girl have on her figurative plate? I think I need another plate.

-communication. I need to learn to do that with Isaac. I'm realizing more and more that he doesn't understand me as much as I thought. a little extra clarification might do much to quell the sources of fights.

-doing things I enjoy. I'm either too laden with guilt about things I should be doing, or too tired to pursue my old hobbies of songwriting, music, reading....

-direction. what the heck do I want to do with my life? I want to save the world but make a heap of money, too. hm....

I know that if I don't get these issues into shape, I'll keep making myself miserable, and I won't be able to go on to enjoy the other things that life has to offer.


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